Flemish Parliament hearing on digitization and robotization

"Both in the political, university and business worlds, there is a lot of debate about the future of industry in Flanders. Especially now that "Industry 4.0" (or also called "Digitalization") is at our front door. Doomsday thinking is misplaced, but being intentional about this transition is important. Gathering insights on this is an important task of our government. Hence, our director, Geert Roelens, was recently asked to bring his vision on this evolution in a Hearing of the Commission for Work and Economy of the Flemish Parliament.

That pioneering work is also happening within SGC - SwitchGear Company in this area was illustrated by Geert through the interview with our CEO, Sophie Vandoorne. The future challenges cannot be avoided at SGC either, and we will continue to build on the path of Industry 4.0, as this ensures more opportunities for a successful future."

Watch the video here.

Application training Don Bosco Sint-Denijs-Westrem

Today the students from the 7th BSO/ 6th TSO of the Don Bosco Institute from Sint-Denijs-Westrem can train themselves in applying for a job, at the job fair.
This will certainly come in handy for them at the end of this school year.