Proud of SGC's successful performance

Quietest switchboards for the quietest zone

SGC -SwitchGear Company, subsidiary of Het Veer, is proud to announce that, as a supplier of medium voltage cabins, it has been allowed to participate in the SKAO project through its Australian partner NHP. The SKAO builds the largest and most capable radio telescopes on behalf of the international community. The telescopes are being built in Australia and South Africa.

The SKAO project is a global initiative to build the world's largest radio telescopes, spread across sites in Australia and South Africa. The telescopes, called SKA-Low and SKA-Mid, receive low and medium frequencies, respectively, and are built in remote locations to minimize radio interference. The telescope in Australia will be placed on the ancestral land of the Wajarri Yamaji, thanks to an indigenous land use agreement.

The SKA telescopes will generate huge amounts of data that will require the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre in Western Australia to house a new supercomputing facility. Australia contributes 14% of total construction and operating costs.

The SKAO is an advanced Big Data facility for radio astronomy that brings together countries around the world. The goal is to build and use advanced radio telescopes to transform our understanding of the universe. With headquarters in the United Kingdom and telescopes in South Africa and Australia, SKAO is becoming a leading research infrastructure for radio astronomy. Global collaboration and innovation will provide scientific opportunities for the international astronomical community, making SKAO a key player in advancing knowledge about the universe in the coming decades.

After 30 years of preparation, construction of the SKA telescopes has begun and the first data are expected to be available in 2027. The telescope will test Einstein's theory of gravity and investigate extraterrestrial life.

Australian companies will contribute to the construction of the SKA telescopes, providing opportunities for technological development and improving their competitiveness. Currently, 16 countries are involved in the SKA project, with Australia as the coordinator. The project promotes scientific discoveries in areas such as cosmology, black holes, the origin of the universe and possible extraterrestrial life.

More than 1,000 engineers and scientists from 20 countries are involved in designing the telescopes, including SKA precursor telescopes such as the ASKAP radio telescope and the Murchison Widefield Array. The project will spawn new technologies with broad applications beyond astronomy.


With our partner NHP, we also meet the needs of customers in Australia and New Zealand.

NHP is a company with more than 55 years of experience in the electrical and engineering industry, with more than 20 offices in Australia and New Zealand. They understand the specific needs of their clients' projects, regardless of their size, thanks to their local presence and commitment. By choosing NHP, you gain access to a wealth of expertise in electrical and automation products, systems and solutions. Although they have more than 20,000 product lines on the market, they are more than just a supplier of products. Together with their extensive network of global partners, they offer choice in products, technology, service and support, and choice in how you communicate with them, in person or online, when and where you need it.

NHP achieves an annual turnover of 550 million Australian dollars, supported by a team of 800 dedicated professionals working hard every day. The commitment to lasting client relationships is evident in our successful and decades-long partnership with NHP.

"Built to Last"

The medium voltage panels to be installed in Australia are DF-2 type and are manufactured with a strong focus on durability. This product range is specially designed to perform long-lasting and efficient, which is crucial for a project of this size. The decision to partner with SGC highlights the SKAO project's commitment to an environmentally friendly and future-proof approach.

Arc Killer for safety is paramount. The equipment has an Arc Killer option, which not only protects the plant itself, but also ensures operator safety. Our Arc Killer is a device that prevents or stops electrical sparks. These sparks, which can occur when switching power, can cause fire and damage. The Arc Killer quickly detects and suppresses lightning within 48 milliseconds, which is 8x faster than blinking your eyes. Our arc killer reduces risk, protects electrical systems and thus contributes to a safe working environment, which is crucial for this project.

SGC and NHP: reliable partners for the SKAO project SGC is pleased to play a crucial role in the SKAO project.

By providing reliable and sustainable energy, we support the scientific community in gaining insights that will further enhance our knowledge of the universe.

SwitchGear Company (SGC) of Landegem is venturing into the future with Australian Radioastronomy Project.

In the vast heart of the Australian desert, where the sun shines relentlessly, we, SwitchGear Company (SGC) are at the forefront of an exciting new era in radio astronomy. We are proud to announce our involvement in the world's most ambitious project: the construction of an observatory with as many as 131,000 radio telescopes. SGC, with more than 40 years of experience in medium-voltage cells, has been selected to provide high-voltage cabins critical to powering these impressive antennas. It is an honor to bring our technological expertise and durable materials, including thick copper that stands the test of time, to a project aimed not only at understanding the origins of the universe, but also the possible discovery of extraterrestrial life.

"Thanks to our close collaboration with an Australian partner, with whom we have completed several projects, we are honored to be part of this groundbreaking initiative," said SGC's Sophie Vandoorne. "Our high-voltage cabins will not only power the antennas, but will also withstand the extreme temperatures of the desert, where the thermometer easily reaches 50 degrees Celsius." To support this project, SGC hired additional staff to produce the switchboards, a critical component of our high-voltage cabinets.

"The assembly of switchboards is a bottleneck job here, so we hired skilled Filipino professionals in cooperation with the Philippine Embassy to complete this work."

The collaboration between SGC and the Australian Observatory is a testament to our commitment to innovation and global collaboration. As we assume this pioneering role, we are ready to uncover the mysteries of the universe and make a lasting impact on the landscape of radio astronomy, hand in hand with our valued partners. We are ready to take on a pioneering role in unraveling the mysteries of the universe and, together with our partners, to make a lasting impact on the world of radio astronomy.

Copyright SKAO, 2023

Read all articles published on this project:

Read the HLN article here.

Read the News Sheet article here.

Read the VRT article here.

Watch the Channel Z TV coverage here.

Read the press release.

More info on the SKAO project?

Our partner NHP.

New Year's Reception 2024

Embrace the Après Ski Feels!

What a great kickoff to the new year in Het Veer! The après-ski vibes were everywhere during our New Year's reception. From the cozy alpine cabin to the happy crowd to the amazing photobooth!

The icing on the cake was our Après Ski Master Quiz! It was great to see our Sailors diving into the competition with their knowledge of our company.

Thank you to the Positive Wave Crew and Deba Facility for organizing this reception.

Let's keep this positive energy and sail together on the waves of 2024

Happy Holidays!

Dive into the new year with a sea of possibilities! 🌊

Het Veer will be on vacation from Dec. 25 to Jan. 1. We look forward to reconnecting in 2024....

Happy holidays and let's make waves together in 2024!


Recap Top Seminar Unizo

This week we experienced an inspiring day at Unizo Top Seminar - '10 management books in 1 day' at the Casino Kursaal Ostend. Together with some of the companies in the group, we immersed ourselves in a sea of knowledge and insights.

The various speakers briefly but powerfully shared the essence of their books and gave us valuable insights. It was a great opportunity to learn, network and grow as professionals! At the end of the seminar, we were also given the ten books to take home, along with some gadgets and a brand new valise.

Thanks to Unizo for organizing this event and to all the guest speakers for the inspiring interactions. Let's turn the knowledge gained into action and strive together for continued growth and success!

Let's keep sailing on blue oceans!

talen, team

Discover our diverse team

On European Languages Day, we paid special attention to our diverse team and take the opportunity to express our appreciation for the different cultures represented by our global team at Het Veer. Being proud of our different cultures inside and outside Europe, we made it our own "Day of Languages."

Not only today, but day in and day out, we are proud of our team. At Het Veer, we understand the challenges of everyday communication in languages that are not your native tongue, and we applaud the dedication of our Sailors who embrace it. They go the extra mile by speaking in foreign languages, translating documents and actively participating in language classes.

Allow us to introduce our enthusiastic team who will bring you why it is so much fun to work at the Het Veer group.

Watch the video here.

languages, team

Proud of our cycling team

Our company participated in the Corporate Cycling Challenge in the beautiful "naval city" of Ostend.

We are happy to share the success of our team, consisting of Tibo De Vriese, Eddy Quina and Stijn De Weirdt. They took 7th place in the small finals and 22nd place out of 35 participating teams.

Our sea-loving Sailors really did us proud!

Watch the video here.


Fantastic news: the Sports Company label has been achieved!

Het Veer has become the proud winner of Sport Flanders‘ “Sportbedrijf” Label !

We are pleased to announce that our company has been officially recognized as a sports company and that we have been awarded the prestigious Label Sportbedrijf by Sport Vlaanderen. This recognition is a testament to our commitment to promoting a healthy and active lifestyle to our Sailors.

At Het Veer, we believe in the power of sport as a means to connect, inspire and motivate people. Our passionate team “The positive wave crew” strives to create a positive impact by offering quality sports facilities, challenging training programs and inspiring sporting events.

By winning the Label Sportbedrijf from Sport Vlaanderen, we demonstrate that we meet the strictest quality standards and guidelines in the field of sports activities.

We also believe that the health and well-being of our Sailors is a priority. We have worked extremely hard to achieve this goal and it feels great to see that all our efforts have been rewarded. With dedication, teamwork and intransigence, we proved that we can reach the top and show our passion for sports.

Thank you to all our athletic Sailors who made this possible.

Having achieved the Sports Company Label, we look forward to continuing our efforts and reaching new heights. We will continue to train, innovate and push our limits. Together, we will continue to spread the passion for sports and inspire others to pursue their own athletic goals.

Company visits over the years

Over the years, we have had the pleasure of hosting numerous schools and educational institutions and other companies and specialists who came to explore and discover our wide range of offerings at the Medium Voltage Competence Center.
, SGC, Femaco and
together have been leading companies in the power and medium voltage sector for more than 40 years. In doing so, the visits are an excellent opportunity for students and other technicians to gain first-hand knowledge about our company, our operations and the exciting opportunities that lie ahead.

We believe in maintaining relationships with educational institutions and providing students with a glimpse into the business world. We understand the importance of engaging young people and inspiring them to explore their potential and pursue their dreams.

During these visits, students had the opportunity to participate in interactive sessions, guided tours, engaging presentations on medium voltage, visits to SGC's showroom and production, expert explanations from our specialists, explanations in the Phela room about the stringent requirements our medium voltage cells meet and much more. Our team of passionate professionals is dedicated to creating an immersive and informative experience, tailoring each visit to the specific interests and needs of the visiting schools.

We have welcomed students from various academic backgrounds, such as business administration, engineering, computer science and more. Regardless of their field of study, our goal has always been to showcase the dynamic nature of our industry and the exciting opportunities it offers for aspiring professionals.

By making these company visits possible, we hope to make students curious and ambitious and encourage them to explore career options. Many of our previous visitors have gone on to successful careers in our industry and attributed their inspiration to their experience at our company.

If you are a school, educational institution or company interested in organizing a company visit, we are happy to be of service. Contact our dedicated team and we will work closely with you to organize a visit that meets your objectives.

We look forward to welcoming more schools and students in the coming years so that we can continue our commitment to nurturing young talent and inspiring the next generation of professionals. Come and experience our company firsthand, and let us fuel your curiosity and passion for the exciting world of medium voltage.

Thank you to VTI Torhout, Emmaüsinstituut Aalter, KSO Glorieux Ronse, Ghito Nijlen, Gemeenteschool De Vaart Nevele, VTS Sint-Niklaas, GTI Londerzeel, Edugo Oostakker, VTI Izegem, VTI Tielt, Don Bosco Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Petrus & Paulus West, Don Bosco Hoboken, Hogeschool Vives Brugge, Hogeschool Vives Kortrijk, VTI Deinze, VTI Menen, VTI Veurne, Sint-Jozefinstituut Geel, KU Leuven Brugge, VTI Poperinge, KA Zelzate, KTA GITO Groenkouter, Sint-Amandsberg, OLV Ter Duinen Zeebrugge, Erasmusatheneum from Deinze, Howest Kortrijk and so much more!

Discover our Medium Voltage Competence Center

The Medium Voltage Competence Center in Landegem was established in 2014 by Deba, a subsidiary. With more than 45 years of in-house experience, we have accumulated tremendous knowledge and expertise in the medium voltage sector.

CEO speaking: "We have created a Medium Voltage Competence Center to completely immerse tomorrow's technicians, mechanics and installers in the world of medium voltage. On the one hand, there is the museum where we exhibit an evolution of 75 years of medium voltage distribution in Belgium. On the other hand, there is an extensive showroom where you can switch on contemporary medium-voltage boards. In addition to Belgian-made medium-voltage boards and switches from SGC - SwitchGear Company and Mevoco, there is a wide range of boards and switches from ABB, Siemens, Schneider Electric and others on display."


Discover the full range here.


Lakkerij Vandereyt gaat voor vernieuwing!

V coat: Uw partner voor oppervlaktebehandelingen

Door onze sterke internationale groei, sinds de overname in 1993 door de groep Het Veer, is Lakkerij Vandereyt aan vernieuwing toe!

In 1973 is Lakkerij Vandereyt ontstaan en is nu uitgegroeid tot een specialist in de oppervlaktebehandelingssector.

Met ons 50 jarig bestaan in aantocht, is het tijd voor vernieuwing!

Lakkerij Vandereyt wordt V coat. Met als baseline: Uw partner voor oppervlaktebehandelingen.

Niet alleen een nieuw logo

En niet alleen een nieuw logo, maar ook onze website heeft een modern jasje!

Ook onze huisstijl is volledig veranderd

We hopen dat jullie even enthousiast zijn als ons!

Eén ding is zeker… Wij kijken er enorm naar uit om met ons gedreven team, kleur te blijven geven aan uw producten!